Saturday, September 27, 2008


« ...If you happen to be a parent and your baby is strike by acne, it is usually not a cause for concern as the acne will probably go away with time. For menopausal women, hormone therapy might help with the clearing of acne. ...
...When I stopped eating vegetable oil my cystic acne cleared up and I no longer suffered from painful breakouts anymore. Vegetable oil is easy to avoid, and is mostly consumed by using cooking oils like sunflower oil. So I stopped using vegetable oils as cooking oils and made sure to check food ingredients for vegetable oils before buying and eating them....»
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«...Whether an acne product you purchase is one that is created by an acne treatment specialized company or one that is created by an acne care cosmetic company, you should always ask someone who knows all about skin care for advice. Your dermatologist may recommend any of these products for your particular acne problem, and he may even recommend one that is made by a popular cosmetic company. This is dependent on what your dermatologist thinks is most suitable for your skin and not on which brand is popular or not. When it comes to skin care, it is always best to take the advice of a dermatologist before you use any product....»
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tags: symptoms acne weight gain dry hair swollen face, acne face wash, sulfur for acne smells bad

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