Saturday, September 27, 2008

How well does laser treatment work for acne scars

« ...Carrots or any vegetables and fruits that contain a high amount of vitamin A is very good at treating acne even when they are consumed alone. Accutane, one of the world's most effective acne treatment medicine is derived from vitamin A. But, accutane has tons of serious side effects, so I think you should stay away from accutane. You can enjoy the benefits of vitamin A by just eating a lot of carrots or any other fruits....
...Even if it is easy being tempted and get in the "long queue" at the drugstore. I wouldn't recommend it."Will the situation be worse or better?" is a question I wouldn't have. When it comes to over the counter medication or doctor's prescriptions the situation could easily become worse. If these medication solved the problem they wouldn't sell consistently. There must be a substance inside them which creates a need for you to ask for more. Others seem to do well at the beginning but then they mess it up with side effects....»
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«...Getting rid of old acne scars is a problem most acne sufferers have been in search of eliminating, or controlling for ages. It is bad enough to suffer the blemishes that acne can cause. It is even more frustrating to experience the scars that the acne left behind as a testament that you still must be reminded of the acne from the scars left in acne's wake....»
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tags: thursday plantation tea tree face wash for acne, does acne cream not work after used by date, acne soap recipe

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