Saturday, September 27, 2008

Clinique acne spray takes time to work

« ...Most acne suffers searching for a solution, have at least heard of Proactiv if not tried it. Proactiv was started by two dermatologists who studied the effects of acne on - not only teens - but adults as well....
...7. Dermabrasion. This involves using a machine to "sand" off the top layer of the skin. This procedure may leave the face red and sun sensitive....»
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«...Acne can be created by many things, and almost all these things can be controlled with the right methods and discipline. Acne is usually caused by irritation in the pore of the skin. It can also show up almost anywhere on the body wherever there are large pores available. The irritation that causes acne is often touching of the face, washing the face, using products improperly, exfoliating, shaving, and putting your face on a desk. A great way to prove the cause of this is with the shaving; when you shave your skin, you irritate the pores by scratching the inner surface in them causing them to inflame and become infected. Acne is also very easily transferable, touch an acne spot on your face, and touch it somewhere else on your face and it will soon be there. I made an effort to stop touching my face, and my acne disappeared over a few weeks....»
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tags: retin-a acne dry flake skin, how to treat bad acne, what is the best acne fighting supplemen

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