Saturday, September 27, 2008

Photodynamic therapy for acne does it work

« ...Our skin is composed of three different layers known as the epidermis which is the outer layer of the skin. Dermis the middle layer of the skin and hypodermis which constitutes the inner layer of the skin. Acne can be considered as skin deep issue since it affects the epidermis only. Acne normally affects the face and the upper neck. The reason for this is that we constantly keep touching our faces and the neck on everyday life. Since our hands get oily and dirty, there are more chances that the bacteria could be transferred to that part of the body....
...It employs specially formulated solutions that are packed with the power of micro-crystals. The re-surfacing wand gently cleans your skin tissues and drives out dead skin cells, oil, and entrenched contaminants. A new skin surface is revealed, much healthier and revitalized. The treatment is completely painless, and should feel like a deep tissue massage....»
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«...• Egg White - A masque consisting of one stiffly beaten egg white along with a few drops of witch hazel and lemon juice is also a great treatment....»
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tags: facial remedies for really bad acne, mary kay acne medication, pure gel acne products

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