Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to quickly clear up acne

« ...However, Bacteria are not the only cause of acne. There is also the issue of Hormones. The great rate at which Hormones are at work in adolescents result in their tendency to suffer a lot from this condition and therefore have blemishes. If you fall into the category of people whose Acne condition is caused by Hormonal activities, then you don't have much of a problem because Acne products are usually quite effective for those who have zits caused by hormones. They usually last for a short time and once they have gotten over that period of increased hormonal activity, their blemishes are gone. Before then, medication found over the counter seem to helps dry out the visible pimples and prevent fresh outbreaks. ...
...Mainly adults and teens suffer from acne. For teenagers this actually attributed to hormonal changes, in adults acne might actually be a result of chemicals and diet, not only the hormones. Don't give up hope; there are many ways of treatments through which you can get rid of acne....»
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«...So what's the point? The point is that despite its widespread nature and the obvious social impact that it has, acne remains something of a mystery for medical science. In plain English, we do not know exactly what causes acne. As dermatologist Dr Andrew Waite says, "Acne is somewhat like the common cold. Almost everyone gets it, but we don't know exactly what causes it, and therefore cannot formulate a pinpoint cure for it."...»
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tags: salicitic acid acne medication, dry skin sleep disturbance, acne, home made acne scar treatment

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