Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to prevent and quickly clear up acne

« ...Acne is characterized by skin blemishes or pimples and can occur at any point throughout once in a lifetime. Since it is related to hormonal imbalance, acne frequently appears at puberty and in women over forty as they approach menopause. The western medical approach is to treat acne with antibiotics, but this can harm the liver. ...
...• Eat a healthy diet. Try to eat as many healthy and natural foods as possible. A diet containing the proper amount of fruits and vegetables can have the most positive impact on your health. Many people regularly consume high amounts of sugar and processed foods on a daily basis. This can lead to stress and other behavioral problems, especially in younger people and teens. By changing your eating habits, you can improve your acne and many other common ailments....»
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«...Consulting a dermatologist should top your list of priorities if you display symptoms of Acne Rosacea. Depending on your condition, you will have to use topical lotions of varying strength, or antibiotics. Cortisone creams can, over a period of time, significantly reduce redness and inflammation, while LASER surgery may be required in extreme cases....»
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tags: does murad acne complex really work, homemade face mask for acne, best acne treatment fo blemishes

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